Friday, May 16, 2014

Shiny, healthy, summer hair

  Want to try a natural, at-home hair treatment that will leave your hair shiny? And soft? 

 This will forever be my new mirical worker for my hair. I was looking online how to make homemade lotion, and coconut oil is a great way to keep skin moisturized. 

  It's not until I got the oil at my local grocery store, I was reading on the back, that I could use it on my hair. 

  So I did some research online and discovered that coconut oil helps with a lot of beauty treatments! It helps remove makeup, keep skin glowing, reduces wrinkles, and helps grow hair, and a great  deep condition for your hair. 

  So I went at it, I melted 3-5 spoon fulls of coconut oil in the microwave and then applied it all over my hair and wrapped it up in a shower cap. I left the coconut oil on my hair for about 4 hours. 

Then, I washed my hair as usual. As soon as my hair started to dry I noticed it was SUPER SOFT AND SHINY! This will forever by my secrete to shiny hair! 

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