Friday, March 28, 2014

More Coffee Please

- Jackie Chan

Mmmmmmmm coffeeee. 

I'm one of those people who like iced coffee. SO I CAN DRINK IT FASTER.... which also means getting more later ;) 

Happy Friday y'all! 
My Friday will be relaxing. 
Got my Dunkin iced medium coffee with cream & sugar 
I'm also catching up on the March issue of Glamour magazine.

I was thinking,
what the hell would I do without coffee?
I mean what if I had to go a week without having it!?
or even worse, like years without having a good cup of coffee...
I'd rather give up bitching for week than coffee...

My mood depends on whether or not I want hot coffee or iced coffee...

Some days I wake early and want a nice hot cup of coffee to get me started...

But I feel like iced coffee is appropriate for any time of the day.

Anyways.... I'm going to start planning my next weeks blogs! 

til next time sunshines!


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