Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How I Keep Myself Happy!


Now I know for most people cleaning isn't always their definition to "fun" but to keep yourself happy on a day-to-day basis you don't need to go all out and clean! Do simple things like:

  1. make your bed
  2. do a little dusting
  3. vacuum
  4. take out old clothes you don't want to Goodwill
  5. something empty? Throw it away!
With less clutter in your life, the more time you have to be happy! Surrounding yourself with a clean environment will help yourself in the long run!

Nothing better than coming home to a clean room!

Pamper Yourself

Find time to do something to make your skin feel soft, or just relax!  
  1. Give yourself at home facial
  2. Paint your nails
  3. We girls always love our bubble baths!

Listen To Happy Music!

Get yourself in a happy mood with music! A song with a good beat!

Eat Healthy! 

Eating Healthy can make your body feel fresh, and give you lots of energy!

Along with eating healthy get some Fresh Air to clear your head of negative thoughts!

Most Importantly make everyday count for a particular goal that you've set! 

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